Now You Can Drive Insane Traffic To Your Web Site Using The Magic of Article Submission and it all happens practically on autopilot. I was totally amazed when... ... I finally stopped to add up all of the money I had been spending on advertising my web site. Fifty dollars here, a hundred there; pretty soon it had become a substantial amount of money and I wasn't seeing much in return. On top of all that, I was pouring more than I care to even think about into Google and Yahoo ads.. That's why I created My Article Submitter! You see, like many of you I had read all of the Internet marketing "how to" books, and I had become convinced that it took money to make money. Those books told me that I had to buy ads in the major search engines, rent e-mail lists and pay to insert ads into e-zines. So I clicked on the links to the programs that they recommended and I spent and I spent and I spent. I did EVERYTHING that the "Gurus" told me to do and I ended up spending more than I was making. I felt deceived! Does it frustrate you that you have been lied to, ripped off, and literally been taken advantage of by blood sucking MLM, and internet marketing program owners? The reason you, and many others, may not have found financial independence yet
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